Resin & Film Industries

Color Irregularity During Disk Label Printing

When a disk removed from a stack, it is charged with static electricity by separation.
A transfer line is a major cause of an electrostatic charge due to friction. The repulsion between the charged disk and ink may cause blurry ink (color irregularity) during printing.

Color Irregularity During Disk Label Printing

Conventional countermeasures

Conventional static eliminator

  • The effect was not sufficient.
  • It cannot improve the quality.

Countermeasures with static eliminators (ionizers)

An ionizer can reliably prevent the production of defective products and reduce disposal cost.

Countermeasures with static eliminators (ionizers)

Improvements and Effects
Words from the worksite

Reduced disposal cost due to color irregularity

Disposal cost due to color irregularity: $2,000/month x 12 months = $24,000/year

In addition, the labor for the maintenance of static eliminators can also be reduced.