Printing errors in the food industry
Did you know? The number of incidents arising from best-before date printing errors is larger than you might think!
According to the Food Incident Information Announcement Network of the Japan Food Industry Association, 19% of the 814 food-related incidents that occurred in 2015 were best-before date labeling errors.

Furthermore, out of the best-before date printing error incidents, about 80% concerned a wrong best-before date being indicated. Sixteen percent involved cases where the printing was incomplete or missing.

Using a KEYENCE Inkjet Printer and Vision System to Prevent Printing Accidents
As inkjet printers can automatically update best-before dates and manufacturing dates, using inkjet printers can prevent date printing setting errors, which make up approximately 80% of the best-before date errors.

Also, a KEYENCE vision system provides peace of mind in the rare case that printed text is missing.
KEYENCE products can be connected easily with a single cable.
There is no need to create software, a time-consuming task, which greatly reduces the installation cost.
Devices can be installed easily, all the way to those for inspecting printed text.