Key Points for Selecting an Instrument (Data Logger) [Price Edition]

The price of an instrument such as a data logger is determined by three factors—the type (application) of the instrument, the variety of data types that the instrument can measure simultaneously, and the number of input channels.

How much does your ideal instrument (data logger) cost?

Types (applications)

As there are a wide variety of types of instruments, it is important to select the one that matches your purpose. If you want versatility for an instrument, a data logger that can quickly and simultaneously collect data from multiple channels is the ideal option.

Type (application) vs. price
Price Low High
Instrument type Applications
  • Used to collect data with a long sampling cycle for a long time.
  • Most recorders are specifically designed to measure temperature and voltage and save data.
Data logger
  • Used to simultaneously collect many different types of data at a sampling rate in a slow speed range.
  • Its system is generally configured to analyze collected data using PC software.
Memory HiCorder
  • Used to collect voltage data having different potentials at a sampling rate in a slow to mid speed range.
  • More suited to collecting multi-channel data than oscilloscopes.
  • Used for voltage analysis with high-speed sampling.
  • Because an oscilloscope can support only a limited number of channels and uses a common GND among the channels, an insulation amplifier and other such measures against potential differences are required.

Variety of measured data types and prices

Between the case where you use a single data logger that can simultaneously measure multiple types of data and the case where you use multiple instruments, each of which handles only a single type of data, there is a large difference in man-hours required for data processing after measurement. Also, it is generally more difficult to summarize data collected by multiple instruments because doing so requires the time axes of all data to be aligned precisely.

Price vs. variety of measured data types
Price High Low Types of data to be measured simultaneously Less More

Number of channels

The greater the number of input channels, the more data you can measure simultaneously. By simultaneously measuring multiple points, you can collect more detailed data in a single operation. If you purchase a data logger having only a small number of channels, the available channels may be insufficient for some types of measurement. On the other hand, if you purchase a highly scalable logger to which you can add channels later as necessary, the cost of initial installation can be reduced as well.

Price vs. number of channels
Price High Low Number of channels Less More