Fiber / Cable
It's possible to stably measure outer diameter in harsh environments using the LS-9000. The built in air purge filters and IP67 rating make it ideal for withstanding dusty environments.
High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Measure diameter of wires as small as ø10 μm. The optical design of the LS-9000 Series enables measurement of ultrafine diameters and gaps, or measuring multiple wires within the window simultaneously.
High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Non-contact thickness measurement enables 100% inspection without impacting cycle time. The quad spot laser of the CL-3000 enables high accuracy measurement of rough or hairline surfaces.
Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Detect defects in flat wire by monitoring width. Even small edge breaks can be detected thanks to the high speed sampling of the LS-9000.
High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Check the internal diameter of wire drawing dies after re-grinding.
Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Measure width/diameter during tensile testing. Inspect up to 100 areas at once, then record or output the data for analysis.
Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Laser profilers make it possible to inspect the width and shape of flat cable. Check for conductor position and width on cables of any color or material.
2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Profiling the outer diameter of a coated cable enables detection of dents or unevenness that would be impossible to catch using a thrubeam sensor.
2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series