Respect for Human Rights
Basic Concept
The KEYENCE Group recognizes the importance of respecting human rights as a company, not only in compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which the Group does business, but also in pursuit of high ethical standards.
Since its establishment, KEYENCE has been dedicated to contributing to society through the creation of added value. KEYENCE recognizes that respect for human rights for anyone who supports the Company’s business activities is essential for sustaining the Company and allowing the Company to fulfill its social responsibilities. Based on this idea, and adhering to international norms such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as the International Bill of Human Rights.
Read the full text of the Human Rights Policy
Code of Conduct
The KEYENCE Group publishes its Code of Conduct on our official website. In the Code of Conduct, we explicitly lay out our respect for human rights and prohibition of child and forced labor. All officers and employees in the KEYENCE Group are required to understand and comply with the Code of Conduct in all business activities. Compliance with the Code of Conduct is also required for all suppliers (including subcontractors) and partner companies.
KEYENCE Group Code of Conduct (PDF)Human Rights Initiatives and Promotional System
The Corporate Planning & Coordination Department, overseen by the Director and General Manager of Corporate Planning & Coordination Department responsible for sustainability, serves as the main department for initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing human rights risks. This department collaborates with various divisions, such as Human Resources, Legal Affairs, Materials, and Production Management, to implement these initiatives. The key activities include: (1) Formulate and review the human rights policy, (2) Identify and assess human rights risks, (3) Deliberate and implement appropriate measures, (4) Conduct monitoring, and (5) Disclose information and promote supplier engagement. When necessary, we will also seek external experts’ advice as reference.
Management Review
The initiatives related to sustainability, including human rights issues, are reported annually by the Director and Manager of Corporate Planning & Coordination Department to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. While the Director and General Manager is involved, the head of the Procurement Management Division is responsible for formulating the company-wide supply chain policy and for implementing the Procurement Guidelines.
Practicing Human Rights Due Diligence

In respect for the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), KEYENCE identifies significant human rights risks to identify and assess any negative
human rights impact of business activities, including the supply chain. KEYENCE uses (1) self-assessment, (2) risk assessment, and (3) impact assessment procedures to assess human
rights impacts, considering severity and possibility of impact.
In conducting human rights risk assessments, we refer to information specific to various countries and regions (sourced from governments, NGOs, and references provided by human rights experts) and compare this information with our business activities to identify potential human rights risks.
(1) Identification and assessment of human rights risks
Of the human rights risks that may arise in KEYENCE’s business activities, we identified child and forced labor, slavery, and bonded labor as significant human rights risks. For the purpose of sharing our views with our suppliers, we established guidelines for suppliers to require our suppliers to develop an environment that respects humanity to the fullest extent, including respecting human rights and eliminating forced or slave-like labor and discriminatory treatment.
(2) Deliberation and implementation of appropriate measures
In addition to on-site inspections of partner factories, to ensure that supplier workplaces also show respect for human rights, KEYENCE checked with major suppliers about their compliance with our procurement guidelines, which includes the prohibition of forced and child labor, verifying that there are no gross human rights risk violations. We will continue our efforts in understanding human rights risks in the supply chain.
(3) Monitoring
Understanding the current state
We will continue to monitor compliance with our procurement and production guidelines.
Frequency of surveys
We conduct surveys at least once every three years for major suppliers and every year for any other business partner that is found to be of concern for human rights risks as a result of our risk assessment.
(4) Disclosure of information
We report our human rights efforts on our website and in our sustainability documents that we prepare every year.

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Establishment of Corrective Action
Remedial mechanism
- Supplier hotline
- In-house consultation and contact desk
Internal compliance and education
KEYENCE respects humanity, and with the aim to create a fulfilling workplace, has valued a corporate culture that does not emphasize hierarchical relationships. Based on the business guidelines that define the Code of Conduct for employees, we ensure that no discrimination, abuse, or harassment occurs based on an individual’s race, gender, nationality, belief, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and that no behavior is based on differences in roles or job positions.
Furthermore, the Code of Conduct is distributed to all employees, and we conduct regular training sessions using case studies for all employees, including the Director and General Manager of Corporate Planning & Coordination Department responsible for sustainability, and to procurement personnel as well. This training reaffirms the significance of the Code of Conduct and aims to enhance compliance awareness and understanding. For further permeation of the Code of Conduct at overseas affiliates, KEYENCE has translated versions of the Code of Conduct and a system in place to support everyone’s understanding of the Code of Conduct, likewise in Japan.
Efforts to Prevent Harassment
To deter sexual and power harassment, KEYENCE conducts activities with the aim of raising awareness of harassment through internal training and publishing information on the corporate intranet.
In the training program for new officers, KEYENCE offers opportunities to discuss points of caution for each workplace regarding harassment in addition to providing education on preventing harassment and taking proper action against harassment cases.
To make it easier for employees to get assistance regarding harassment, KEYENCE has a system in place where employees can communicate in person or via e-mail, telephone, or the corporate intranet to receive consultation. All consultations are confidential, protecting the privacy of both the person seeking consultation and the person whose actions are cause for the consultation. KEYENCE guarantees that the person seeking consultation and the employees that cooperate with fact-finding are not disadvantaged and ensures their privacy.
Compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

KEYENCE CORPORATION has issued the statement in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Creating a Fulfilling Workplace
Creating high added value starts with our employees. We are putting effort into creating a workplace culture of mutual respect and an environment that facilitates open collaboration and teamwork.
Creating a Workplace with Respect
Our policy is to create a fulfilling workplace in which people respect one another and a workplace that encourages productivity.
We are engaged in corporate activities with a strong sense of ethics. We follow rules and regulations in order to remain fair and consistent, and we do not discriminate or slander based on race, gender, nationality, creed, age or disability. We work to ensure that we do not harm each other in any way and that no one uses their role or position in a coercive manner.

A Work Environment with Open Discussion
We make efforts to create a workplace that fosters open communication and contribution from all members of our organization. We put emphasis on what was said, not who said it.
For example, in meetings employees should address each other with mutual respect and without regard to the job title. Our employees will sit amongst each other in meetings which creates a culture of open communication and collaboration regardless of tenure, position, or title.
In addition, we create open workspaces without communication barriers. For example, we do not have cubicles in our offices. All employees sit in an open floor which makes it easy to approach and communicate with everyone.

An essential rule to ensure impartiality and fairness for the proper conduct of corporate activities is that we do not allow people within three degrees of current officers or employees to join the company, nor do we condone the accepting of entertainment or gifts during business transactions.
Furthermore, to promote impartiality and fairness, we prohibit the use by employees of their role or position for their own benefit.

Separating Work and Private Lives
We ask that our employees refrain from bringing non-business related matters to the table when making decisions or receiving personal benefits during business hours. We do not tolerate the personal use of corporate assets, including company equipment, vehicles, mobile phones, fixtures, furniture, machinery, tools or office supplies in addition to personal use of e-mail and the Internet during business hours.

We have established an anonymous hotline accessible to all employees, where they can directly consult with us about any offensive behavior in the workplace or any conduct that makes the work environment inappropriate. Upon receiving a consultation, we will immediately investigate and respond to the matter, giving full consideration to privacy.

Ensuring Occupational Safety
- We implement safety measures based on production equipment risk assessment and regular surveys.
- We promote automatic equipment with the goal of reducing the burden on and increasing the safety of workers.
- For dangerous work, we require the use of goggles at production sites and masks at solvent work sites.

Human Resources Development
Basic Guideline on Human Resources Development
KEYENCE prioritizes efforts to train its employees in order to contribute to the added value of the company, while aiming to create a workplace with a positive impact on society.
Basic Policy on People Development
- Give employees ownership and accountability for both their actions and results
- On-the-job training as a core component of the training program
- Promote comprehensive skill development through continuous training programs
On-the-job Training Program Examples
Joint Action
- New employees accompany senior employees on sales visits in order to learn sales techniques and industry knowledge.
- Senior employees accompany new employees during sales visits and offer tangible business advice.
Project lead
New employees participate in development projects two months after joining the company.
We promote growth and development by giving significant project ownership to new employees.
Programs for Promoting On-the-job Training
Personal coach program
This program promotes growth by allowing new employees to receive general work advice directly from senior employees.
Mentoring program
This program differs from the personal coach system in that it allows experienced employees to mentor new employees and address their detailed questions and concerns.
Training System for Skills Development
In addition to practical skills training, we plan and develop a multifaceted training program. We also have various systems in place to allow employees to take appropriate courses as needed.
Development Timeline
New employees
- New employee training
- Follow-up training after joining the company
Young employees
- Training of business principles
Mid-level employees
- Training to become candidates for people/project management
Business leaders
- Training in group/division management
Training Programs
Management Development Program
This training program cultivates next-generation leaders by granting trial management responsibilities for a certain period of time. This program not only encourages growth, but is also effective in developing leadership candidates and helps to maintain an active organization.
Career Development Program
This program allows employees to move to another section of the company for a certain period of time to work in a new role. Experiencing various types of work outside of their specialties cultivates broad skill set and promotes development of new capacities. Recently, there has been an increase in "overseas CDP", in which Japanese workers are assigned to overseas subsidiaries to further this goal.
Multi assessment
To foster the development of managers, this program gives employees the opportunity to complete an evaluation (survey) of management. The purpose is to periodically and openly share strengths and improvement areas to improve management quality.