KEYENCE Supplier Code of Conduct/Procurement Guideline

Recently, as corporate activities have become more globalized, the business environment is changing rapidly. Various voices from the press and public on scandals and dishonest business activities have become commonplace. KEYENCE and our supply chain are required to reinforce our sense of morality and tackle social responsibility activities more proactively.

From this background, we should reinforce and publicize our basic policies and make clear rules about our business activities and share with our suppliers to practice them.

In the basic contract that we set forth with each supplier at the start of business, we stipulate that each supplier respects human rights, and we request that their suppliers also should comply with the contract. The contract also sets forth that we may terminate the transaction if there is a serious breach of the contract.

We request that your company act to follow our guidelines after understanding the contents.

Basic business policies

Fairtrade is our basic business guideline. For example, we never give favourable treatment to a company which has transacted business with KEYENCE for a long time or has an employee who is an acquaintance/friend of a KEYENCE member.
We make business relationships with companies (i.e. selecting Suppliers) according to the reasonable criteria taking into account economic principles, market principles, and other social responsibilities, such as quality, cost, delivery, continuous supply, financial status, environmental engagement, consideration of human rights, legal compliance status, etc.

  • No reception
    We do not receive any gifts (including seasonal gifts, money and valuables) and entertainment (including eating out at a restaurant) for KEYENCE or an individual KEYENCE member.
  • No personal relationships
    We do not have any personal relationship with an employee of a company that transacts business with KEYENCE. In some cases, we may change our contact person if the person was previously an acquaintance or friend of ours.
  • Distinguish between public and private
    We do not disclose personal information (including contact information, alma mater, and age) of a member in charge, except when the information is essential for business, and we never request Suppliers' employees to give such information. In addition, we will never call your employee's home, even if we need a piece of job-related information on the phone (except in case of emergency).
  • Assume social responsibility and compliance
    We are proactively engaged in making an ideal work environment. KEYENCE is proactively raising awareness to make a work environment respecting human rights including mutual respect for employees and vendors, and not forcing others to obey unreasonable requests by making improper use of our positions. We also maintain a safe and sanitary work environment, comply with laws and regulations regarding occupational safety and health in the workplace, and practice safe behaviours and safety ensuring in the workplace. In addition, we strictly conform to all laws and ordinances on business activities.

We request Suppliers to comply with laws and ordinances, to adhere to international norms such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as the International Bill of Human Rights, and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work by International Labour Organization (ILO), to commit to respecting the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, to avoid forced labour, child labour, discriminatory treatments, insulting words, actions and harassment, to respect human rights, and to take appropriate measures to remedy any infringements on these Social Responsibility guidelines. We also request that you shall conduct age verification and enter into employment contracts with all workers in writing and make timely payment of legally mandated wages and that you do not require the surrender of passports or other documents as a condition of employment, nor do you collect fees or other money in any form.

Following the basic business contract with us, we request that our suppliers also share the above policy with their business partners and comply with this.

KEYENCE Corporation
Procurement Management Division
Revision: June 2022

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