VS Series Activation

Activation using the dedicated code is required for using the simulator and additional AI functions.

Registration (activation code generation)

Activation using the dedicated code is required for using the VS Creator AI Add-in simulator function and when using the VS-AD1 for AI Add-in functions.
Use the application form found at one of the following links to request the appropriate code.
KEYENCE will send an activation code within one business day by email to the registered address.
Please note that email addresses from free services are not supported. In such cases, users will be required to update their registered information or contact a KEYENCE sales representative. We apologize for the inconvenience.

VS Creator

VS Creator simulator function activation

Click here for activation.

VS Camera AI Add-in Function

VS Camera AI Add-in activation (VS-AD1) for purchasers Purchasers Only

Click here for activation.

Simulator AI Add-in activation (VS-AD1) for purchasers Purchasers Only

Click here for activation.

Product Lineup: