The strengths of RK are its operability, visibility, and high support capability.
Using RK we were able to implement automation into our work very easily. It was similar to adding a highly compliant employee to our team.
In an effort to promote a greater focus on digital transformation (DX) we here at Nittoc Construction Co., Ltd have introduced KEYENCE’s RK software throughout our organization. This versatile Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool can efficiently gather and process construction data, providing valuable insights for performance visualization. We spoke in detail with Mr. Shun Suzuki, Chief of the Direct Grout Department, Construction Division, whose role involves integrating DX and expanding RK utilization and appeal.
NITTOC CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD. was established in 1947 and is a construction company specializing in slope disaster prevention and ground improvement. As a prime listed Tokyo Stock Exchange company, it has been entrusted with numerous large-scale slope construction projects and boasts the industry's No. 1 track record in “rock grouting technology”. A process which involves drilling long holes in bedrock and injecting cement water into them. In grouting construction for dams with a height of 100 meters or more, Nittoc boasts a market share of more than 75% in Japan.
- Founded: December 1947
- Capital: $41 Million
- Revenue: $450 Million
- Number of locations: 1,054
Utilizing RK for Accumulating and Visualizing Construction Performance Data
How you are utilizing RK?
While we currently have a myriad of activities we have automated through RK, our primary use lies in accumulating, and visualizing construction performance data. Specifically, this involves verifying and updating the performance data in our internal reporting system. RK has also helped us consolidate data on our digital dashboards at each site. This includes current drilling depth, liquid volume of cement water used, temperature, and site weather. Additionally, we have been able to display information from several sites on a single pane, which is critical as we have six to seven active locations at any given time.
What kind of reactions have you received from those around you by visualizing construction performance using RK?
Before using RK we were working without knowing our metrical drilling depth; being able to display this crucial datapoint has significantly improved efficiency and accuracy at each site. In addition to operational benefits, the software has strengthened our company identity by providing a framework for better organization and purpose. This has culminated into a sharper, more detail-oriented corporate image
Introducing RK to Promote DX at Construction Sites
Could you tell us about the background to the introduction of RK?
While construction is a very traditional industry, there has certainly been a movement towards the incorporation of more technology in support of digital transformation (DX). As someone with some knowledge of computers and networks, I was appointed to identify areas of opportunity for DX within our operations. I began with some of the routine tasks in safety and process management, where I found inefficiencies in much of the clerical work such as PDF reporting and data storage. At first, we thought about programming, but decided against it as the technical knowledge required is significant. We began to consider RPA as an automation tool which I only knew by name at the time.
My supervisor mentioned that he heard KEYENCE had released an RPA software encouraged me to investigate. We use several other KEYENCE products throughout our organization which work well and are extremely reliable, so I decided to pursue it. From a functional standpoint, after seeing the demonstration I felt the software would empower all the tasks I was aiming to automate. Finally, the nature of a monthly subscription model and the ability to cancel at any time significantly lowered the barrier to entry for experimentation.
Sample Image of Digital Signage Displayed at Construction Sites
What were you most concerned with when trying RK?
My primary concern when selecting an RPA was its capacity to accurately recognize and interact with coordinates and buttons within an interface. Common online assessments of RPA often highlight coordinate, image, and button recognition as a weakness. However, in-depth research on this specific application for RK revealed that it excels in this area with remarkably high accuracy.
Were you able to automate the “conversion of daily reports to PDF and storage in folders” that you were initially considering for automation?
While I know the automation is possible, I had a more urgent need for automation that took precedence over this task. I prioritized displaying construction performance on digital signage, but plan to automate the PDF conversation and storage in the near future.
Impressed by the ability to easily automate various tasks.
Did you find any differences between your initial impression and the actual experience of using RK?
Yes, I was pleasantly surprised at how much easier and more versatile it was in comparison to what I had imagined. During the initial onboarding meeting, the Customer Success representative showed me how to create a scenario using RK and run it on a computer. I was particularly impressed by its ability to automatically input text and save files. I can now create these scenarios and others independently. Additionally, I started learning how to program after using RK which really solidified its ease of use. For example, even with a simple task such as reading a single CSV file, programming requires several lines of code. On the contrary, RK allows you to drag and drop the Open CSV File command easily from the left side of the interface. I felt this was an excellent tool.
Highly rated for support strength, operability, and visibility
Did you have any difficulties learning to use RK, given that it's supposed to be easy to use?
I didn't struggle much. Of course, I didn't know right from left at first, but thanks to the robust support and the excellent operability and visibility of the tool, I was able to learn quickly.
1. Robust support
The first serval meetings involve “co-running”, remote support with a Customer Success representative where you learn the RPA tool alongside them for instruction. The CS team is also excellent with response time and accuracy to inquires so I was able to achieve what I wanted smoothly.
2. Good operability
RK’s incredible operability is a main reason as to why I was able to learn so easily. For instance, activities can be easily added to a scenario by dragging and dropping command blocks from the left side of the screen. Combining this with flow navigation to create basic code structures or recording mouse actions, I've successfully built all desired scenarios.
3. Excellent visibility
The visibility of RK is also great. The interface is very intuitive and elicits easy understanding of the tool. I personally enjoy the function that allows you to freely color-code the scenario blocks. For example, I have coded all my commands accumulating CSV the same color making it much easier to understand when revisiting my programming.
RK is like a subordinate who faithfully follows instructions
What does RK mean to you, Mr. Suzuki?
RK is great because it’s like a “subordinate who faithfully follows instructions”. It does well with executing precise instructions, but its reliability is contingent on the accuracy of my input. However, when provided with correct logic, it efficiently handles time-consuming tasks without interruption. This process also forces me to clearly outline my objectives, which is beneficial for planning and organization.
Do you currently experience any errors?
I do experience some errors about once a week, However, most of these are due to issues with the local internet connection environment, and there is rarely a problem with the scenario itself. Even when such error occurs, I have scheduled my scenarios to work around them and move to the following data accumulation iteration. This is done by using a try-catch function for error exception handling, which allows me to then identify the error and make corrections to the scenario afterwards. The more I improve with the tool, the more error frequency decreases.
Automate with RK if you have a lot of routine work!
As a pioneer user of RK, could you give some advice to companies or individuals considering automation?
Regardless of the amount of mechanical or technical routine work you may have, there is value in adopting RK. Clerical tasks such as data input and output can likely be entirely automated or have working hours reduced. This will then allow you more time to explore new challenges or complete other work. Regardless of application, I absolutely believe RK is worth implementing.
Future outlook
Please tell me about your expectations for KEYENCE and your future objrctives with the software.
While RK has been incredible thus far, there are a few additions I would still like to complete with it. First, I will enhance the visualization of the construction performance scenario by adding more variables and data visualizations. This is going to allow digital signage to have more details and offer better feedback to the site.
While I prioritized the automation of a different task, I would like to complete PDF conversion with automatic email generation for the sending of equipment ordering forms. The goal is to make the operation as simple as possible, so that it can be completed with just one button press on site. To that end, we are also considering adding an execution version account which is the Runner License. I am very satisfied with KEYENCE's response at this point.

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