Intuitive Vision System

CV-5000 series

This model has been discontinued.
Compliance with the certification standard is ensured as of the time of shipment from our company.

Recommended Replaceable Products: Intuitive Vision System - CV-X series

Digital Image Sensor/Controller CV-5702

CV-5702 - Digital Image Sensor/Controller

*Please note that accessories depicted in the image are for illustrative purposes only and may not be included with the product.






No. of pixels

When CV-H500C/H500M is connected • 5 megapixel mode: 2432 (H) × 2050 (V), Approx4,990,000 pixelsWhen CV-200C/S200C/H200C/200M/S200M/H200Mis connected• 2 megapixel mode: 1600 (H) × 1200 (V), Approx1,920,000 pixels• 1 megapixel mode: 1024 (H) × 960 (V), Approx980,000 pixelsWhen CV-H100C/H100M is connected• 1 megapixel mode: 1000 (H) × 1000 (V), Approx1,000,000 pixelsWhen CV-035C/S035C/H035C/035M/S035M/H035Mis connected• 240,000 pixel mode: 512 (H) × 480 (V), Approx240,000 pixels• 310,000 pixel mode: 640 (H) × 480 (V), Approx310,000 pixels

Camera input

• Two color/monochromecameras (Compatiblewith (CV-H500C/H200C/200C/S200C/H100C/035C/S035C/H035C/H500M/H200M/200M/S200M/H100M/035M/S035M/H035M,mixed connectionpossible)• Two extra cameras canbe connected by usingexpansion unit CV-E500.Up to fourcameras can beconnected.

Main processor for image processing

DSP (High-speed)

No. of registered settings

SD cards 1 and 2 can each hold 1000 programs (depending on the size of the SDcard and the size of the programs), external switching possible

Number of screens that can be registered

Maximum 1000 screens for each program (depending on SD card size),Compressed saves possible

Internal memory capacity

SD card slot x2 (SDHC compatible)Compatible with OP-87133 (512 MB: standard in SD1 slot for CV-5502/5002),CA-SD1G (1GB: standard in SD1 slot for CV-5702), CA-SD4G (4GB: SDHC)


Measurement area

128 locations per program

Mask area

4 locations per area

Color extraction function (valid only when a color camera is connected)

Color binary, color shade, Gray, RGB average gray (Colors can be specifiednumerically via HSB values)Compatible with 1:n copy


Area measurement

The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (up to 12sides), edge detection rectangle area or edge detection circular area

Position detection

Pattern search

• Multiple searches possible for both pattern area and search area. The shapes arerectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc, and polygon (up to 12 sides)• Pattern area can be masked (4 positions / area)


• Up to 256 patterns can be searched simultaneously for both pattern area andsearch area. The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc,and polygon (up to 12 sides)• Pattern area can be masked (4 positions / area)

Edge position

• Angles can be measured. The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle,circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (up to 12 sides), edge detection rectanglearea or edge detection circular area

Trend edgeposition

• Circle or straight line can be measured from the detection results• Shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, ring and arc

Blob (Center ofgravity)

The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (upto 12 sides), edge detection rectangle area or edge detection circular area

Inspection mode

Edge position

Edge pitch

Edge No.

The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, circumference, arc,polygon (up to 12 sides), auto-adjusting rectangle or auto-adjusting circular area

Edge angle

Shape is rectangle.

Pair edge

The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc, polygon (up to12 sides), auto-adjusting rectangle or auto-adjusting circular area

Trend edge width

Shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, ring and arc

Blob (characteristic quantities)

• Labels, center of gravity, main axis angle, area, feret diameter, perimeter,roundness• The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (up to 12 sides), edge detection rectangle area or edge detection circular area

Stain detection

• Subtract stain detection by using subtract filter• Stain grouping function supports multiple stain detection and positionmeasurement• The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (up to 12 sides), edge detection rectangle area or edge detection circular area• Supports measurement of the color image using fine color

Trend edge flaw

• The shapes are rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc, and polygon.• Supports flaw detection using straight lines, circles, ovals, and free-formstraight lines as reference models.

Intensity inspection

The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc, polygon (up to12 sides), auto-adjusting rectangle or auto-adjusting circular area

Color (only when acolor camerais connected)

• RGB and HSB measurement supported• The shapes are rectangle, rotated rectangle, circle, oval, ring, arc or polygon (up to 12 sides)


• Calculation result can be reflected• Shapes are point, line, and circle


• Character recognition for max. 2 lines of 20 characters per line• Shape is rectangle• Built-in date/time encryption support function


Control input

External trigger input

2 pointsEV compatible inputrating: 26.4 V or less, 3mA or more4-camera simultaneouscapture/individual capturecan be selected (whenCV-E500 is not connected,images from up to twocameras can be capturedat the same time).Individual trigger delay (0 to 999 ms) can be selected for each trigger input

Control input

18 inputsInput rating 26.4 V or less, 2 mA or more

Control output

Universal output

27 outputs NPN (including two FLASH outputs linked to external trigger.)

Total comparator output

1 output, NPN open collector, maximum 50 mA (30 V or less)Supports total status hold control and one shot output (1 to 9999 ms)

Monitor output

SVGA 800x600 (24-bit color 60 Hz)

Run indicator

Power, Error LED display


Numerical value output, image data (compressible) and control input/outputenabled. Can be used simultaneously with other communication ports.Maximum baud rate of 115200 bps is supported.Do not use to connect to PLC link, CC-Link, or EtherNet/IP™


Numerical value output, image data (compressible) and control input/output enabled.Can be used simultaneously with other communication ports.100BASE-TX/10BASE-T


Numerical value output, image data (compressible) and control input/outputenabled. Can be used simultaneously with other communication portsUSB2.0 HI-SPEED compatible

PLC link

Numerical value output and control input/output using the RS-232C port orEthernet port enabled.Following PLCs are supported via link unit*1:• KEYKENCE CORP.: KV-700 series, KV-1000 series, KV-3000 series, KV-5000 series,KV-5500 series• Mitsubishi Electric: A series (RS-232C only), Q series, L series• OMRON: SYSMAC C series (RS-232C only), CJ/CJ1 series• Yaskawa Electric: MP900 series (RS-232C only)/MP2000 seriesDo not use to connect to CC-Link, RS-232C, or EtherNet/IP™


By connecting the optional CC-Link unit CA-NCL10E, numerical value input/output and control input/output are enabled.• Supports remote device station, Ver. 2.00/1.10• Do not use to connect to PLC link, RS-232C, or EtherNet/IP™


Numerical value input/output and control input/output enabled while using anEthernet port• Supports periodic communication (Max. 1436 bytes), supports messagecommunication• Up to 128 units can be connected• Compliant with compliance test Version.A5• Do not use to connect to PLC link, RS-232C, or CC-Link

Illumination control

By connecting the optional illumination expansion unit, LED illumination (12 V, 24V) and intensity control are enabled.• 2 channels per unit, connect up to 4 units• Supports multi-pattern illumination function

Continuous capture function

• 1 to 32-time multi-measurement (maximum, minimum and average values)• Error values can be excluded from the measurement result

Execution condition setting function

Can set whether to execute the results (OK/NG) for other measurement andcalculation windows in each measurement window.


Processing area setting function

• The applicable 980,000 pixels (1024 (H) x 960 (V)) canbe captured from 1,980,000 pixels (1 megapixel mode).• The applicable 240,000 pixels (512 (H) x 480 (V))can be captured from 320,000 pixels (normalmode)However, when CV-H035C/H035M is connected, support is only providedfor 240,000 pixels of the 310,000 pixels used for the process area.

Scan mode
(valid only when a monochrome camera is connected)

Progressive/interlace selectable

Capturing start/end line setting function

Desired capture start/end line can be set within the image capture range.CV-H200C/H200M cannot capture fewer than 100 lines.


Position adjustment

Batch, individual (maximum 128 settings), X, Y, ±180° rotation.

Camera gain adjustment

Sensitivity adjustment, offset, and span adjustment (RGB batch/individual and span can be set for each of 16 brightness levels. RGBindividual setting can be supported when color camera is connected.)

White balance adjustment (valid only when a color camera is connected)

Manual setting using white paper

Image inversion function

Can generate mirror images


X and Y calibration setting for each camera. Conversion from measurementvalues and calculation values is supported.

Filter function


The same type of filter can be used up to 9 times. 13 steps. (For binarization and subtract only: 1 step/window)


Expand, shrink, average, median, edge sharpening, edge extract X, edge extractY, Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Laplacian, binary, subtract, illumination adjustment,contrast conversion, image extraction, image shade correction, Blur

Display language

Japanese/English/German/Italian/French/Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chineseselectable



Number of settings

128 calculations/1 program

Arithmetic operation

+, -, x, ÷

Arithmetic function

Square, exponential, counting fractions as one, round-off fractions, maximum, minimum, average, average within range,square root, absolute value, remainder, distance, angle, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, π

Comparative operator

<, ==, Not

Geometric calculation

Distance between 2 points, angle of line segment, circle radius, circle center,average angle, straight line, cross point, distance between a point and a straightline, straight line angle, angle between the two crossed lines, perpendicular linebetween a point to a line, perpendicular bisector , midpoint

Coordinate conversion function.

Coordinate system conversion, rotating matrix

Type conversion function

Coordinate constant conversion, constant coordinate conversion,angle unit conversion

Logical operator


Sort function

Maximum value index output, minimum value index output

System function

Number of measurement times, measurement time, year, month, day, time, minute, second

Time axis operation function

Previous measurement result acquisition operator

Command memory

1000 command memories that can be rewritten from external devicesor the remote control console during operation are installed.


Statistics analysis

No. of data

Max. 20000 data (can be saved into an SD card in a batch)

Statistical items

Maximum, minimum, average value, deviation (3σ), total status OK/NG times

Screen save (valid when monochrome
and color cameras are connected)

The following number ofimages can be saved inthe system's memory:• Maximum 1023 images (monochrome camerain 240,000 pixel mode)• Maximum 511 images (monochrome camera in310,000 pixel mode)• Maximum 255 images (monochrome camerain 1 megapixel mode)• Maximum 127 images (monochrome camerain 2 megapixel mode)• Maximum 50 images (monochrome camerain 5 megapixel mode)• Maximum 1020 images (color camera in 240,000pixel mode)• Maximum 509 images (color camera in310,000 pixel mode)• Maximum 252 images (color camera in 1megapixel mode)• Maximum 124 images (color camera in 2megapixel mode)• Maximum 47 images (color camera in 5megapixel mode) (These are the maximumvalues with only onecamera connected, and[Condition] set to [AllImages].)

Programming aid

Screen Magnification

Between 4% and 1600% during setting or operation (6% and 2500% during fullscreen display) (Size can be set for each screen while displaying multiplescreens.)

Edge Waveform Display

Edge waveform can be graphically displayed during setting or operation, andedge intensity and measurement values (some are not supported) can bedisplayed during setting.

Profile Display

Trend edge position and gap can be graphically displayed during setting oroperation.

Stability display

Stain detection (stain level) is displayed during setting or operation.

Character Extraction Display

OCR automatic cutout waveform graphics can be displayed during setting oroperation

Shift all windows

Selected windows from an identical camera or an identical registered image canbe shifted in the desired XY direction in a group.

Defect Waveform Display

The flaw level waveform of the trend edge tool can be displayed as a graphic inProgram or Run mode.

Display template
setting function

No. of display templates

10 templates/1 program (within which 4 templates are specified values),externally selectable

No. of screens that can be displayed simultaneously

Max. 5 screens can be displayed at the same time (when 5 scr. (HORIZONTAL)/5 scr. (VERTICAL) is selected).

Hold image

Up to the past three images (NG images) can be displayed as hold images.Measurement results and measurement time can be viewed. (The number ofdisplayable times varies between 0 and 3 depending on camera's connectionstate

Screen customization

No. of customized screens

10 screens/1 program

Custom item

Character string: Measurement value (decimal point can be specified), result,custom character, graphics, active text

Measurement result interlink

• Display color can be changed according to the result for figures and customcharacters.• Can set a message in the allocation table that relates to the measurementvalue (active text)

Operation rewrite function

• Upper/lower tolerance or command memory can be rewritten during operation.• Supports illumination adjustment during operation (when CA-DC21E isconnected)

Emulation function

Built-in emulation function that can create new program data and save data onCV-5002SE in the FE format for the CV-3002 Series SE, SEII, and SEIII, and theCV-5002 Series.

Program file update function

The program data used on the CV-3002 Series or CV-5002FE can be converted into the program data format for the CV-5002 Series second edition.

Custom menu function

Shortcut menu to a desired program screen can be created (20 menus/program).

Memory card save function (SD2 slot only)

• Measurement value, judgment result, NG count, measurement image (compressible), stored image (compressible), captured image, statisticsanalysis data, RS-232C communication log, program data (only setting contentcan be saved to both SD1 slot and SD2 slot)• Can save data during test run (except for program data)


Screen capture function, password function, re-test function, file managementfunction, I/O monitoring, RS-232C monitoring (with log save function)


Power voltage

24 VDC ±10 %

Current consumption

2.4 A (2 cameras at maximum load)/3.2 A (4 cameras at maximum load)

Environmental resistance

Ambient temperature

When 2 cameras are connected: 0 to +50 °C 32 to 122 °F (0 to +45 °C 32 to 113 °F when a camera with 1,000,000 pixels or more is connected)
When 4 cameras are connected: 0 to +45 °C 32 to 113 °F

Relative humidity

35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)


Approx. 1,250 g

*1 Some models also are compatible with the RS-232C, Ethernet ports in the system.

Data Sheet (PDF) Other Models