3D Scanner CMM

VL series

This product has been discontinued.

Recommended Replaceable Products: 3D Scanner CMM - VL-800 series

3D Scanner CMM VL series

VL series - 3D Scanner CMM

VL Series 3D Scanner CMMs can measure large targets in 3D from all directions, providing full 360° scanning capability. The motorized turntable moves in the X, Y, and θ directions for fully automated recognition and scanning of the measurement target. The high-magnification lens captures up to 16 million data points, allowing for the acquisition of precise data on small targets and complex shapes that cannot be measured with conventional scanners. Full 360° scans can be compared directly against CAD data, allowing for easy detection of deviations from design values, quick determination of good vs. bad parts, and wear analysis before and after use of a product.


Latest Technology

High-Accuracy, Full 360° Scanning - Now Equipped with AI

VL-800 series - 3D Scanner CMM

  • Intuitive operation and advanced AI lets anyone easily perform high-accuracy 3D scanning
  • Flexible measurement and analysis of any shape
  • AI suggests the best way to measure each part

View Catalog VL-800 Series 3D Scanner CMM Catalog